Mother’s Day is here again, and it's feeling a bit more heavy this year than it has the last several years. My emotions have been a little bit all over the place this year. And to pile it on, while organizing this week I also recently discovered a box I had forgotten about: my IVF box. It's a box I haven’t opened since I got pregnant. It’s a box I haven’t thrown away either. Even though it had two sharps containers filled to the brim with used needles and plenty of other ...
Fertility Update: Still Waiting
Just to be clear for all the skim readers: we are *NOT* pregnant. While we are right in the middle of National Infertility Awareness Week, I thought it might be time to give a little fertility update. Since we posted over a year ago in January about meeting with our fertility doctor to try for baby #2, we've had questions here and there about what we've been doing! So here's a little rundown for you. To clarify, we have actually not pursued IVF again since we had Scarlett. We did a few other ...
Five Things I Want To Share With The Woman Who Just Became A Mother After Infertility
First things first, let me say - CONGRATS!!! You made it to motherhood. This day has finally arrived, so let’s just take a minute. This is a BIG DEAL. The day you weren’t sure would come. Now you’re finally rocking the maternity pants you were once jealous everyone else got to wear. Or you’re holding your miracle baby in your arms. The long-awaited adoption finally went through. It’s truly a surreal moment, isn’t it? I’m so stinking happy for you. I know the feeling and there’s not many in life ...
Our Seven Day Miracle
This transition into November always brings back bittersweet memories for me. It was during this exact week four years ago that I was pregnant with our first baby who we affectionately named Sprink. I remember some of these moments as if they were yesterday. I remember the sting of death that seemed to fill every room in our home. Shortly after our miscarriage, I decided to write a letter to our little babe about the brief time we had together. As Infant Loss ...